Payment Link

Payment Link
Accept online payments even if you don’t have an e-shop
  • No subscription fee, only a transaction fee
  • Option to set recurring payments (e.g. monthly subscription fee) using the same payment link
  • No need for implementation by developer
  • Refunds and cancellations supported
  • 3-D Secure 2.0 authentication protocol certified
Payment Link

Payment Link

Receive card payments for online sales, even if you don’t have an e-shop.

Get it now

Accept online card payments, even if you don’t have an e-shop

Through Payment Link, you send a payment request to your customers, who then pay by card, for easy and secure transactions.
Payment Link

Card payments for online sales without an e-shop

Payment Link

Payment with 1 link

Payment Link

Transactions in Greece and abroad

Payment Link

Secure payments

Businesses that are a good match for Payment Link

Payment Link
Payment Link
Payment Link
Payment Link


Payment Link
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How much does Payment Link cost?

Payment Link is free of charge for you and your customers.
You simply pay the transaction clearance fee.

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Do I need a POS or website to use Payment Link?

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What happens if the transaction is not completed?

How can we help you?

Fill in your details, describe your need and one of our representatives will contact you. You must fill in all fields.